26 août 2004


margie will be a great advisor, one of those mentor-coach-editor-counselor types of person that i need. T. will be good too, i've heard he's a great and careful editor and resource. then i don't know. i have S. on my committee right now, but margie didn't seem very enthusiastic about that... i chose her because of her "program director" experience, but i could also choose someone from the education program, like J.G., my human resources teacher from last spring, who seems to be a great person, but she's half-retired, i think, and may not be very interested in what i'm doing. A. didn't seem enthusiastic about my invitation to be on my committee, and she and margie don't get along well from what i've heard... i'd love to have her on my committee though, for the whole questionnaire creating and analysing parts of the research. she said it was too much work for not enough recognition. i thought of asking dr. H. from byu, but he was a little difficult to work with on my thesis, already, so i can't imagine it will be easier from far away. diane strong-kraus is good at testing, but i don't know how she works with her students and never talked to her about being on my committee. G. would be great to have, but i've just heard from one of his ex-students that he's hard to work with, plus he's super busy all the time, so i don't know how that'd work. he might be good to have as the 4th committee member, though, for the name and also because he knows this topic so well. so... margie, T., someone, and G.?