11 novembre 2004


these days i am mad, upset, angry, jealous, bored, overwhelmed, tired, crazy, stressed, pissed off, worried, jealous... wait, did i say that one already? I'M JEALOUS... of someone... unfair!

wrote to the dean of the school of liberal arts and complained about the fact that they didn't give us any info about the year-long prf grant... which is a big deal and i want to do it... got an email pretty quickly telling me that they'd send out the info to the departments by the end of this week. darnit!

haven't done anything lately. need to submit my prospectus to all my committee members by the 23rd of nov. at the latest. can't seem to sit and figure out what i still need to do on it... especially after having talked with that one person who i am so jealous of... damn... why am i such a freaking overachiever (or loser, same thing)?????

i need a cigarette

2 commentaires:

At 11/11/2004 9:41 AM, Blogger Joe el Misterioso a dit:

hmm, j'ai comme l'impression que ça ne s'arrange pas trop par ici... arf, arf... en tout cas ici à Montpellier on commence à se peler serieusement les miches...

==> Joe

At 11/12/2004 8:19 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:



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