10 mars 2005

spring break

i need to:

- finish the article! number ONE priority!
- email george about it
- meet with the chicks to talk about our law presentation
- write some stuff about my teaching right here
- finish the IRB proposal
- turn in the stuff to the IRB as soon as margie gives me the green light
- go visit anais in michigan if the weather permits
- clean the house
- dye my hair
- write a proposal for the bilsand fellowship
- stop thinking about the vice-chair thing
- email ahmar about the reception thingy
- work on the TIRF grant proposal
- write a draft of the email i'll send to all schools
- read some stuff for my students
- sleep a lot
- do something fun
- eat all the food i just bought and make an eggplant gratin
- get my 2 new pants shortened
- play with the kitties
- do nothing!