13 novembre 2004

about people who write theses, from jojo

- at 32 you're an OLD thesis writer
- you really know you subject only 3 months before you defend
- first you repeat and then you find out what has not already been said
- hard to be really efficient
- you always have remose and culpability with you... can become an obsession
- you never save your stuff enough
- you love your thesis more than your significant other for a while
- you need your space and your rythm
- you can have a normal "love life" only after you're done
- the thesis takes most of the "space" in your life/brain
- you are "in the shaddows," you dig your hole
- there's a fear that you'll never be done
- requires much concentration/energy
- people who write theses are either really admired or really hated because seen as parasites
- when writing the thesis, you can still have this teenager lack of responsibility. not a real adult yet.

from ARTE radio.