17 mai 2005

good stuff

because i am the iawe conference web-manager, i don't have to pay for the conference registration and i was able to choose when i'll do my presentation :) huhuh... nice!

talked to a few more people today... it's getting there. one director was super nice and said she'd would help if no one else would because she knew it was hard to find participants but her faculty was already overwhelmed with other project... and it also happens that this school's IRB is very simple. darn! i was honest with her, i told her that several people had said yes but that i was having serious trouble with their IRBs so i might still ask her to participate. she said she'd be happy to, if i really needed her help. very nice people sometimes!

this lady said ok if i give incentives to her teachers. i guess i could buy starbucks cards or something... and this other one is the ONLY ONE who actually questionned my research openly, said she didn't think it would be good for her students to participate because it would make them think about the issue, thought it was weird margie allowed me to do that, asked me 200 questions and wouldn't listen to my answers... finally she said she'd decide after she saw the questionnaires. no one else has asked me that, even though i thought more people would. so i sent her the questionnaire. either way i don't care that much any more because i have 15 schools who said basically yes. doesn't mean i can manage to survive through their IRB, but still, it's a good start!

sent two proposals to tesol. still need to work on the hardest proposal, the caucus colloquium. also haven't been working on the grant proposal AT ALL and that'll hurt. i don't think i'll manage to finish everything before i leave, so i'll have to take my computer and work hard while in paris. not fun.

am finishing my teaching portfolio to submit it on time for the contest. it's nice. i've entirely redone the CV and courses pages, the teaching philosophy pages, and the intro, goals, and ELC pages. i'm happy about it all except the ELC, but i don't think i'll change it, it's too much work. i'll just change the philosophy pages to put them in a more logical order.

back to the phone...