IRB mon cauchemard
ok, so it took me about 2 months to get an approval from purdue's IRB for my study... drove me nuts... and today, this lady writes me and says she'd be happy to work with me for my research but of course i had to go through their IRB too... which i knew... but then i went to their IRB webpage and couldn't believe what i saw, so i called them, and couldn't believe what i heard! the thing is a NIGHTMARE! waaaayyyyy worse than purdue's stuff, and i started taking some quizzes and training stuff and filling out tons of paperwork about pregnency and animal diseases and radio-active protective coats.... ... ... yeah... i might have to give up on that one, which is sad, since it's in phily and i really want to go there (the other school in phily also said yes but i'll use it for the fall study, not the pilot, so i won't be able to go there. not such a drama since i already have depaul for the pilot, but still). so i'm thinking IF ALL THE SCHOOLS ARE LIKE THAT, I MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP ON THE PILOT and start working on the other school's IRBs for fall! oh yeah, and the woman there also told me that i had to send all the paperwork to the school director who had to sign them too, as my sponsor, since i'm not a student there, and then the director had to send all the stuff to the IRB office BY JUNE 20th!!! or else it'd take them until september to approve it.... yeah...
i spent the day working on that and worrying about the IRB at the other schools and looking at other websites... but i'm not sure i'll do it with that school, which seems to be a bad one... scary! i also worked on the grant proposal, and ordered a book i hope will help me finish it... and started the book review, that's not as bad as i thought, but then again, i have no idea if what i'm doing is good since i've never done it before. i also tried to get my colloquium organized but things are hectic, and the other colloquium is, hum, hopefully getting organized by itself... and i am also worried about the all-caucus colloquium since no one seems to care about it. and the budget. due the 15th. and the caucus member of the month thingy. and stuff...
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