02 mai 2005

ready to kill someone

i swear, this irb thing is driving me crazy! i've been waiting for the approval for a month and first they kept writing, asking for more and more stuff, and now, i've been waiting for the final thing since they said "last thing" in their last email... and i didn't hear anything... and today, they wrote and said they were still waiting for all the letters of permission from all the participating schools to give their final approval! what??? i thought i needed their approval BEFORE i could contact the schools, since they wanted to see the letter i would send to those schools! darnit, this is such a waste of time!

on a lighter note: thanks kiara, i got the book and it looks wonderfully useful!!! you're a darling!!! as soon as i get my next paycheck (that'll be in the middle of september...) i'll send you a little something :)

note to self: don't EVER work again with the "track changes" function and EndNote at the same time! i've never seen such a mess!!! i've wasted hours last night trying to revise my ET article with gigi's comments which were on track changes... and it kept freezing, shutting down, messing up the word count, going crazy with dates, and automatically rewriting the reference list 2-3 times in a row, once in red, once in black, and once in blue and yellow, god knows why! i'll send the article tonight!! knock on wood!!!

i've been driving illegaly for the past week... and will continue to do so for at least a week, i'm sure. have you noticed that that's when you've forgotten your wallet or had your licenced removed/cancelled that you almost have accidents like 30 times a day? and of course the BMV is closed on mondays, so i drove all over town (illegaly) for nothing and have to do it again tomorrow.

on a lighter note, i went to a nice little banquet today, for the library/technology/literacy awards. yeah, that was nice, and that award did pay for CATESOL and half of TESOL! maybe i could try it again next year :)