18 juillet 2005


TQ article rejected. oh well... it was surprising they didn't reject it the first time. was an excellent learning process, now i know what to do if i ever want to publish something with them. and i know what i need to be careful about in my current project. it was funny though, because one of the reviewers was really upset in his comments, saying that i hadn't made any of the changes he had suggested the first time... stuff like "some of your questions are negative and others are positive. change that!" well.... i did the study 3 years ago so i can't really change it now... but i guess explaining this to him (can only be a man) didn't make a difference... seriously, i knew from the start that this project was fishy, it was for a master's thesis for goodness sake, what do you expect?? no one taught me about reliability and validity and factor analysis and crombach alpha and stuff like that when i was doing it. i did it all on my own and i don't care if i haven't published in TQ (a little, quand meme), because tons of people know about this research and it's been cited in two very famous and important books that just came out.

meeting tomorrow with two psych questionnaire specialists.

got NAFSA membership, that's big! they have a very nice job search section for jobs related to international students, international education, stuff like that, in the US and abroad too. will be useful soon! i also printed a list of references that have to do with being an intensive english program director. will have to start reading this soon too.... and i'll go to the regional conference in november, i mssed the national one in may (i was in france).

oh yeah, and and my sponsor at iu spent the morning on the phone and they finally realized that she COULD be my sponsor... so now they'll just have to review the protocol AGAIN ... another 10 days i bet... but i WILL do a pilot, even if i do it AFTER the real study, hehe! i WILL have the damn crombach alpha and i WILL publish in TQ this time!

and i'm feeling better thanks, i'm just horribly exhausted for some reason. and tonight i was driving and suddenly i didn't know where the break and where the accelerator were... ummmm.... but at least, i have an outline of my conference presentation! now i just need to write the damn paper...

3 commentaires:

At 7/19/2005 12:39 AM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Now that TQ is done with your manuscript, you need to send it somewhere else. If it was good enough for them to review, twice, it's good enough to be published somewhere else.

Some people say you should just send it somewhere else without changing a word. Different reviewers/editors have different ideas and might love what tq didn't.

Not sending it somewhere else now would be a mistake. If you doubt me, ask Margie what she thinks.

At 7/19/2005 12:40 AM, Blogger Scott a dit:

One more thing. If your work is being cited, it's critical that you get it published somewhere so that someone can actually cite it as a published article or book chapter and people who read the citation can find it relatively easily.

At 7/19/2005 12:43 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

thanks scott, i'll definitely work on that!


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