29 octobre 2005


i'm starting to get stuff from the schools i applied to. it's kind of annoying, really. it's the paperwork about equal opportunity stuff that asks me if i'm a male or female, veterant, white, yellow, black, blue, or pink, and some ask for my age, address, SS#, and tons of other stuff. sometimes, self-addressed return envelopes are included so it's not too bad, sometimes it's a little card, sometimes it's already half filled out with the info about the position... and sometimes, i have to do it all myself, including the envelope and stamps. good thing canada doesn't do it.

i applied to four places today, two of which i would really like. learned that chris tardy applied to only 12 schools, had about 4 interviews, and got 2 offers. ONLY TWELVE!

* edit: ok, chris said that she sent 20-25 applications. good urban legends going around the engl. dept. ;)

2 commentaires:

At 10/30/2005 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

she told me she had 25 and thinks she should have applied to more. And that's 4 campus interviews. Bear in mind that you need to keep applying until you get an offer. January is a key time to start up again.

Tony told me apply to 30 or 40 places. At least two other faculty told me 50 is the right number. And that's the first round, not total.

I had 3 campus visits. But the numbers are secondary to the issue of getting an offer you are willing to accept. That's when the search ends.

At 10/31/2005 10:36 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

dear anonymous, i'd love to know who you are... since you know who i am!


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