28 octobre 2005


done coding the open-ended question! started calculating how many times i was right with my codes, and then veronica will do the same and we'll compare our results (average) for the inter-rater reliability. for me, i got the right answer 92% of the time. veronica might be a little lower, but it's not even sure, so the inter-rater reliability will be very high, which is great! for the teachers' comments, our inter-rater reliability so far is 83%, but there are still people taking the teacher questionnaire so we won't know for sure until the end of the semester, and those comments are much harder to code. you'd think that english teachers would write comments in decent english, but some of these things are hard to understand, and they're not even from nonnative teachers!

someone who wrote me a letter of recommendation sent me a copy of it. that was nice. good letter.

tomorrow, i'll apply to 10 new places... one of them is johns hopkins. now THAT is a position i'd LOVE to have, as good as mcgill. not just because of the reputation of the place, but also because i think it's a perfect fit for my qualifications. absolutely 100% perfect. i can only hope other people will see it too. but it does require a teaching philosophy, and so far, i've avoided applying to jobs that required that, because i don't have one and i don't know how to do it. i know, i'm stupid. but that's something i feel very ... err.... awkward about. unconfortable. incapable of doing. for johns hopkins, though, i'll make an effort.

will re-send my article to applied linguistics... 3rd try... oh goodness, when am i going to do everything i need to do???