14 octobre 2005


so we go over our codes and see if we agree on them. you got 1, 4, 8, 23? i got 1, 4, 9. Oops... who's right? we argue, agree, make a choice (out of 3 or 4), and write our scores. at the end, we'll average our scores and that'll be our interrater reliability score. and it is a PAIN! but we're doing pretty good i'd say. we have monster strings of codes, like 19, 14, 12, 12, 10, 4, 2, 1, 29, 30, 1, 9, 12 and we agree on them all! sometimes.

veronica's going to enter those codes with 1 and 0. for example, she'll enter the score above as 1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,etc. entirely not fun! and i'm not doing it! that'll allow us to calculate the general totals (X number of students mentionned category 5), and the totals by languages (Y number of koreans mentionned category 29).

we've also started the teachers, and the good thing about that is that we'll only have to compare the comments from native vs. nonnative teachers. and then we'll do the administrators as one group. and there's only 13 of them so far and 82 teachers, so it goes super fast, compared to the 800 students!

we're entering the last questionnaires, yeahhh!!! i have 78 left to enter and we're DONE!

goal for the weekend: finish entering the last 78 questionnaires, finish coding students' stuff, find translators for the stuff that hasn't been translated yet (oh, a japanese person said she could help, but one person is not enough for the quantity of japanese questionnaires i have!), write my teaching philosophy, and send 10 job applications. i found a nice one this morning. oh, and i've started thinking about how i can enter the info from each student/each school in my dissertation with nice tables... i've given each school a tree name to keep them anonymous, like oak, ginko, cottonwood, etc. it's fun.

funny i'm having such a good time with this research! most people i see doing their phd research are having such a hard time remaining motivated and interested in what they are doing.

1 commentaires:

At 10/14/2005 9:20 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Staying interested is critical. When you get to the part in the job interview where they ask you to talk about your diss there are two things that are easy to judge: 1) are you still working on chapter 1/likely to finish by summer 2) do you have enthusiasm about your project.

Sounding excited about what you're doing is always helpful in an interview.


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