03 décembre 2005


we spent three hours on the stats on friday and two today, recalculating all the teachers' comments differently, and it was a complete nightmare! we calculated the thing about five times and every times, we were off by one or two points! it's very hard to keep track of the number of comments we both have right, those i have right but veronica has wrong, those veronica has right and i have wrong, and those we both have wrong. and that was for 91 teachers. on monday, we're going to redo the 801 students!

other than that, i got 46 new questionnaires from one school, and i don't know how many (four envelopes!) from another school. which i'll spend my whole entire monday matching with the first questionnaires (when i'm not counting comments with veronica or having a fake job interview). considering that it took me almost four hours to match the first 95 questionnaires i got back, i have a very bad feeling about these new ones! but i have to hurry now, because new ones will keep coming... i hope, at least. 400, i want 400. 600 would be incredibly good. 800 would be ... well... too much but statistically wonderful, of course.

ok, back to chapters 3 and 4...