22 novembre 2005

news from my cornfield

worked on chapter 3 all day yesterday. it was a mess, because i had kept the outline format that i always start with, and it needed to be formated to a readable, normal text. i added a few numbers, tables, and graphs... found out how many native and nonnative speakers responded to my teacher survey, and... hope that i'll have more! i have 90 responses from teachers. i'd be happy with 100 :)

about letters of rejection: the first one i got was expected, since i had applied a few weeks after the deadline had passed. the second one came and said tons of things i didn't understand except "negativen" and in the sentence "ich muss Ihnen leider mitteilen dass wir Ihre Bewerbung nicht berücksichtigen konnen" i understood leider and nicht! and figured that it was better for me to be rejected, since one of the requirements was to be fluent in german... and i could barely understand the letter of rejection... huhuh. the third one was a bit more surprising, and i got it today. last week, during out "job placement" meeting, i asked about the speed of rejection letters and was told that those would come really late because people didn't want to say NO to you until they had a contract signed. well i guess that's not always the case, because i got one of these letters today. and what did i think, honestly? 1) it's their loss; 2) one less interview to worry about. ok, i know this sounds horrible, but i'm REALLY worried about those interviews (not about the people, i love meeting new people and i'm very confortable with that, but about the questions i'll be asked).

i've done a lot of clean-up on my webpages. i guess this place will become more "professional" and less "personal"... kinda. i keep reading contradicting articles about doing a job search and having a blog... so my thoughts on this are the following: i don't have a husband, i don't have kids, i don't have a boyfriend, i don't have a tv, i don't like parties with a lot of smoke and drinking... so basically, i go to work, come home, play with my cats for a few minutes, and work. having a way to keep in touch with my friends and family and to express how things are going with my research IS legitimate and there's nothing bad about it. and i also need a place where 1) i record things that i'm doing, because it really helps me keep track of the work that's being done, and 2) i can talk to myself about what's going on in my life, because no one else will listen ;)

nighty night everyone!

4 commentaires:

At 11/22/2005 10:52 AM, Blogger Scott a dit:

The questions you get asked at interviews are pretty predictable and you can prepare answers for almost all of them. The key is to prepare relatively short answers that you could expand on if there are follow ups or they want more. Some people get in trouble because the committee wants to ask 9 questions in 35 minutes and the candidate takes 25 minutes to answer 2 or 3.

A search on chronicle.com and google will give you most of the questions. But you can expect questions about your diss, teaching, and research plans as well as questions about how you would teach classes mentioned in their ad or what class you would like to teach if you could offer a new one there. Depending on the teaching load at the university you will get more teaching or more research questions.

At 11/22/2005 10:56 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

thanks luke and scott for the visit and for the comments!

At 11/25/2005 8:37 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Hi Lucie, just being nosy, I checked out your site. I second Scott's suggestions. One more thing, think carefully about what you have done in your research and teaching and make a cogent argument out of that. That argument, when expressed with passion, will distinguish you from other candidates. As the catch of job search/recruitment is all about fit, so you don't want others to misunderstand WHO you are. Other than that, just prepare those things that Scott has mentioned, and relax and enjoy the interviews.

Happy Thanksgiving.

At 11/25/2005 9:32 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

hi Xiaoye, nice to see you here :) thanks for the tips, I'll do my best... or at least try to do my best. i hope you had a good thanksgiving too! and feel free to be nosy anytime.


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