04 février 2006

ze job market

do you know what phd means? permanant head damage! yep, says it all ;)

ok so i went to new york for a job interview and it was ok. flying in and out on the same day was not such a great idea, especially considering that i had spent half of the previous night at the emergency animal hospital and that i was leaving a half-dead cat alone for 22 hours. other than that, the interview with the search committee went very well, i thought, and i enjoyed it. the only problem i had was to know how to answer to the question, "so why should we hire you?" or "if we hired you, what would you bring to our department?" or something like that. i have a hard time remembering the details of that day... but that's one question i need to work on. i don't know how to SELL myself!!!

then i had an interview with the vice-president of the university. scary. she was nice, but any woman at that level is an extreme overachiever and that intimidates me. so i didn't do too well i guess, especially when she kept asking questions about their school, what i knew about it, what i thought about it, what about this, and what about that. i need to make a list of "cool stuff about your university" to use next time.

also, she asked me about my salary at purdue and the salary i'd like if they hired me. ??!! the job description said "up to $64.000" so that's what i told her, huhuh... but then i said i'd be happy with something between $45 and $55.000. this is new york after all. i wasn't ready for that question! so now, for the canadian job which i REALLY want, i'm checking online and with canadian friends and i found a comparison of high and low salaries of assistant professors at different universities in canada, so next time i'll be ready.

that canadian school i'm going to on thursday is one cool school! it's very new and very quickly expanding, private, and in many ways similar to purdue. i'd be doing the same thing i'm doing at purdue (esl for undergrads) but also be in charge of the writing center, which is the part that i'm not so sure about. fortunately, i know a bit about purdue's famous writing center so i am not completely unfamiliar with the concept. i'm preparing a research presentation--kind of fun, since it's the very very very first time i'll present ANYTHING about my new research! it's not like i can cut and paste from previous presentations or something. this one is brand new... and i'm finding out about some of the results as we speak. so it's going to be an "in progress" presentation to say the least! i'm scared but also super excited about that one.

2 commentaires:

At 2/05/2006 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Hey, Lucie. It looks you did quite well in NYC. Usually the search committee decides which candidate to recommend to the department and the school based on feedback from teachers and students in the department. Meeting with the vice-president is more of a bureaucratic thing. Unless you really pissed her off, you don’t need to worry about that part. For the question of “what you can contribute to our dept,” think about the advertisement and your own research and teaching interests. Why will they choose you among a hundred applicants? Because they see your research and teaching experiences fill a niche in their department. So the correct answer is always a combination of your (unique) research/teaching interests and the advertisement. For faculty salaries, check out this comprehensive survey before you go to a particular school in the States: http://www2.nea.org/he/healma2k4/a04fac_sal.pdf. As the survey was conducted three years ago, so the listed assistant professor salary is what you definitely need to ask for now. Keep me posted on your good news.

At 2/05/2006 3:02 AM, Blogger Scott a dit:

The nice thing about having more than one campus invite is that you can learn from the first one what to do better on the second one. Some people think they peak on the second visit.

However, based on my experience, campus visits can be very different from place to place. At one school in california, the search committee interview was intense and all questions were scripted and approved by the dean prior to the interview. At my next interview, at a school in New York, there was no search committee interview.

Experience, combined with some research about the school and about academic interviewing helps you do better as you are on the market longer.


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