06 septembre 2004

in love with generative grammar

it's not a good sign when i'd rather do the stupid IRB modules and work on my prospectus than read my phonology in generative grammar textbook...

7 modules left... i can do 3 today... i think...

wondering about online vs. paper surveys... plus training in filling out multiple-choice questionnaires!

2 commentaires:

At 9/07/2004 5:10 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

You know, Lucie, it doesn't matter if you like or enjoy generative phonology. What matters is that you finish the homework and get an A in the class. You can't graduate, no matter how good your dissertation is, if you haven't passed all the required courses. So, buckle down, lady it's time you got your ass in gear and did that phonology.

At 9/07/2004 10:59 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

scott, you make me laugh :) thanks for your encouragements and your good spirit, i sure need them!


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