28 septembre 2005

i want YOU to want ME!

i need you to need me
i'd love you to love me
i'm begging you to beg me

huhuh, i love this song... they must've written it when they were looking for a job....

getting someone to translate some responses from korean today and arabic tomorrow... got an officemate who speaks turkish and someone who's helping me with chinese too, so that's good. the only serious problem now is JAPANESE, because i just don't know any japanese person in our department. and i have a LOT of japanese responses, it's the number 2 most spoken language so far. korean first.

sent 6 applications so far. it was funny because we had our ESL happy hour on monday... and a lot of people are looking for jobs... and we're all applying to the same jobs so it's kind of competitive, i could feel it, we didn't want to discuss which positions we had applied to, in case the others had not found them yet.... it was a sad, weird, funny situation.

2 commentaires:

At 9/29/2005 4:03 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

How will you feel if a place invites only 2 people to campus and it's you and another Purdue person? Then you know they'd either offer the job to you or the other person

At 9/29/2005 6:01 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

It might happen...but i am a very strong believer that whatever happens is for the best, even if it means not getting a certain offer. so i'd be sad but would't hold grudges and would not lose hope or faith in my abilities (ok, maybe for a few hours i would..).

ps. it has happened to me before and i am very happy i didn't get the job :)


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