04 novembre 2005

i am so damn lazy sometimes!!!

got all the stats i could get from the data. myself. hehe, i can use SAS... a little. 694 pages of results. enough for a good 3rd chapter and the begining of the 4th one. now i just have to write things down. but lately i haven't even been able to grade 25 papers, i'm feeling completely incapable of doing anything at all.

ps. do you guys see the menu to the right? if not, what browser/OS do you use?

5 commentaires:

At 11/05/2005 11:28 AM, Blogger Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott a dit:

If you mean the sidebar that starts with "Post-It Express," then yes. I can see it. I've got firefox, the latest version on my PC, Windows XP.

Hang in there! Grading sucks.

At 11/05/2005 1:45 PM, Blogger Lady Eve a dit:

yes, i see the menu the right. (whispers) i see blog menus. ha ha.

At 11/05/2005 2:12 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

huhuh salut Jun :) i'm asking because i can't see the menu from on-campus computers... not sure why.

thanks rebekah, i thought it simply didn't work from PCs... maybe it just doesn't like explorer :)

At 11/06/2005 2:02 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

Well, i can see it but after the posts, but i've got a small screen, and internet explorer. The post you did on the 17th of october with all the exclamation marks disrupted the layout [the i got it !!!!! :)]. Thus said, this post will disappeared from your main page quite soon, you just need to post twice !

At 11/06/2005 10:18 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

kiara: huhuh, thanks :) i'm going to try my hardest to post twice soon!


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