07 décembre 2005


done recalculating all the students and teachers' comments. it took us so much time it's incredible. and to think that we have to start all over again with the new student comments, it's discouraging. we're also matching the new questionnaires that i receive every day. i have stuff from 4 schools already, about 300 questionnaires. i think we can make it to 400. interestingly, in two of the schools already, we got MORE final questionnaires than initial ones! if even half the schools do that we're in trouble! i guess it's because i've begged the administrators, in the last letter i wrote them, to make sure EVERY student would answer, especially students of nonnative teachers... yeah, that'll teach me, when we have 1000 questionnaires to match, huhuh!

i've bought some nice thank you cards that i'll send to the participating schools. i've thanked people already, with email and phone calls, but most of those administrators, teachers, and students, have really done a lot to help me and gone the extra mile to do it really well. i'm incredibly lucky that things are going so well and people have been so nice.

anyway, i'm feeling really sick right now. i graded student papers all night last night and felt like i was half dead all day today. i need to sleep a few hours before i can grade some more papers and enter 50 new questionnaires. g'nap :)

2 commentaires:

At 12/07/2005 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Sometimes I feel I am so obsessed with empirical research—either archival or case studies. Pretty much for the same reasons that you have described that I have enjoyed it. Research is a kind of life style, in which, although sometimes tiring, I often feel so thankful for being able to live. A byproduct of this luxurious life style is our research reports and articles, which Dwight Atkinson has so wittily and rightfully called, “my babies.” It is a life style hardly understood by outsiders, a style only nerds embrace. Even when we take a break, like taking a nap or going to parties, we still live in that life style—an ambiance indecipherable to outsiders. Enjoy it and share it with other friends at Tony and Margie’s Christmas party this weekend.

At 12/07/2005 8:30 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

xiaoye you're such a poet :) and you know how to encourage me! you're right, i complain but i know that i enjoy it too! i miss you, and i'll miss you even more at Margie and Tony's party this weekend. we'll think of you!


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