19 avril 2006

putting it all together

for the first time i'm going to try and create a huge document with everything in it so i can print it. crazy. not sure how long it'll be. appendix G is done, thanks to veronica's help. and i did calculate that thing i had forgotten, it was too important, and calculated it on the wrong data set and wasted an entire day because of it :( took me 2 hours to calculate, then i entered the stuff for one hour before realizing that something was wrong and i was so mad i just quit for the day. anyway, it's done and entered and right, now.

so, i wrote one and a half sections in chapter 8 (out of 8 sections i'd say), i'm rewriting a bit of chapter 5 to add the new data, and... i think that's about it. i'm waiting for chapters 5 and 6 (which i resubmitted) from margie.

i am REALLY REALLY starting to panick. i have one month and one week left before i need to turn in the whole darn thing! this is going to be tight!

goodness, i need to learn how to breathe...

ok, 230 pages of text and references, plus 12 pages of intro, plus 110 pages of appendices. and chapter 8 is barely started.

2 commentaires:

At 4/20/2006 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Lucky for you, ITaP still doesn't charge for printing, so you can print your 500 page document five times and not have to pay for printing or photocopying 2500 pages for all your committee members and yourself. I assume you still have to have one printed on cotton paper for your deposit copy, true?

At 4/20/2006 12:46 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

scott: i'm sure i'll have to do something like that, although right now, i'm more worried about writing my final chapter :)


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