07 septembre 2004

draft 2

margie liked my second draft. it has basically nothing to do with the first one, it's much clearer and more detailed, and i eliminated the EFL variable. she said she's give me her feedback really soon. nice.

i wrote a letter to B. last night to ask him to be on my committee and this morning at 8:03 i had his positive answer in my mailbox, YEAH! that's really nice, and thanks scott because i'd never have thought of asking him! and it took me a few days to get the nerves to write him and ask... so, i'll still meet with A. tomorrow just to make sure that she doesn't want to be the fifth wheel because she'd really be good with the questionnaires and the analyses of the results... but if not, oh well, i will be well taken care of my margie, T., S., and B.. holly cow, 4 program directors! couldn't have dreamed of anything better :)

phonology: about 10 students have dropped the class today... and the ones that are still there HAVE to stay... so i complained first thing today, saying that i was very concerned because i already didn't get the first chapter of the textbook and blah blah and everyone said yeah! so she asked who would like her to go slower and 2/3 of the students raised their hands! so now she talks to us like we're mentally retarded, but that's fine with me, at least i understand the stuff, or at least enough to get by for now.

IRB modules: i did to 3 of them yesterday so now i only have 4 left.

have also been going back to the gym for the last week, and it feels great! i'm going there late at night during weekends which is not too good because then i can't sleep for hours, but things are looking brighter in general so that's good.

1 commentaires:

At 9/08/2004 9:14 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

You are so welcome, Lucie!


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