23 octobre 2004

the never ending story

went to another grant writing presentation today. with the same old desperate people as last time... quite interesting though, because the presenter gave us some handouts, and one in particular where she had started with a conference proposal, then an article proposal from the conference, then a book chapter proposal from that article, and then the actual chapter of the book, also with the letters she had sent to editors and stuff like that. all on the same topic taken from her dissertation... gave me some ideas about how it works and what can be done. she said after the book, though, she started working on a new project because she had pretty much used up all the ideas from that topic.

so we had hackers into purdue's system yesterday, that's what caused the big mess... and of course, i should have predicted this, it messed up my blog, the other one. lost my october archive page.... so right now i'm backuping ALL the stuff i have on purdue's server on my yahoo server which recently gave us 4.000 MB of space (instead of the 100 original MB!!!). thinking of publishing my blog on yahoo's server too, but i have more than 200 visits on my blog per day and changing address would mess this up big time. good thing this one is published on blogger's server. not much safer, but simpler!

haven't written a work on my prospectus drafts this week... every day i would start at 10am and come back home from class or work at 11pm... so i'm REALLY tired... and i have no inspiration anyway... will need to get back to it this weekend! ...

5 commentaires:

At 10/24/2004 8:05 PM, Blogger Joe el Misterioso a dit:

Un petit bonjour depuis Montpellier, avec un peu de chance et surtout de temps, je compte jetter un coup d'oeil à tes histoires aux USA...

french page this way ==> JoeSee you..!

At 10/24/2004 9:24 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

salut Joe, merci de ton petit mot :) qu'est-ce que tu fais de beau a montpellier?

At 10/27/2004 5:29 PM, Blogger Joe el Misterioso a dit:

Montpellier, ben je suis là depuis 1983, tout de même et pour la petite histoire je viens du Chili, une très longue histoire à vrai dire... but such is life...

Petit détail = je constate que madame a oublié d'ajouter son code de mise à jour chez top.zeblog... il te faut aller à "administrer votre compte", rentrer avec ton identité et ton mot de passe, puis aller à "vos sites" et là choisir un "ping" en "code bloogle"... et pour finir copier le fameux code dans ton blog, de façon qu'à chaque fois que quelqu'un viendra te rendre visite, comme moi par exemple, ça va te donner des petits points.

Juste de quoi nourrir son égo, n'est ce pas..?

See you here ==> Joe

At 10/27/2004 7:52 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

haha, you're the one who's always stealing my 3rd place on bloogle, hey :) i actually have the code inserted, but on my other blog, the one that's competing with you... this one here is new, i just put it on bloogle, and i don't care much about it and about attracting visitors. it's more for fun and to have a place to complain :)

anyway, je l'ai quand meme fait... huhu... juste pour voir...

alors comme ca tu viens du Chili? de quelle partie du Chili? Mon ex habite a santiago... c'est un pays ou je reve d'aller!

At 10/28/2004 1:08 AM, Blogger Joe el Misterioso a dit:

Hein..? I know it's just for fun, young lady... l'autre chose que je trouve amusant c'est de "rencontrer" des gens et lire un peu leurs histoires... ça casse pas 3 pates à un canard comme on dit, mais c'est toujours rigolo.

En fait j'ai 3 pages : El Maestro Chasquilla, L'art de ne rien dire, et AlterDudes, en espagnol, français et anglais respectivement. Et je parle peu de ma petite vie, mais c'est plutôt des "coupures de presse"...

Et comme votre honneur a dû certainement remarquer je viens de Valparaiso...

That's it...


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