13 octobre 2004


that's it, i'm done, certified IRB complient or something like that... hehe... that last meeting was truely retarded but i shouldn't complain, at least it wasn't hard or too long or anything and I AM DONE. funny, margie and a lot of other students were at the meeting, but i was one of the only few who had already completed the online stuff. ha!

plus i'm going to be exempt, so filing the IRB stuff for my research won't be too hard, just one more thing to do. hah, things are moving... i even printed the form for the statistical consultant, that's a first step in that direction too... and i registered for the international administration class and the thesis hours, and got permission from the law class teacher to register there too... great!

oh i need to send my lit. review to margie tonight!

1 commentaires:

At 10/14/2004 2:48 AM, Blogger Lady Eve a dit:

yeah, i remember doing that, filling out all of those forms to render my research "exempt." that whole univ. process seems to be geared toward people using human subjects and whatnot for their research...the scientists and all of their money. sigh. it seems so long ago and i am still trudging along on the diss. ;)


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