16 novembre 2004

statistical consulting

went to the first meeting about stats today. really nice people. my study seems really complicated but doable... not sure yet how, we'll play around with my MA data and see what works best.

during the meeting and as the big boss and i were talking about all that stuff, i felt so good, so comfortable, almost happy to be thinking like that and asking questions and responding and finding ways and brainstorming... this is a bad sign, i like intellectual stimulation, dammit, i can't just be lazy... this is something i really MUST remember! i can't just be doing the same thing all the time, i need to learn new things, i need to think, i need to be challenged! that sucks. i guess that's what got me so far...

going back tomorrow to start playing with numbers...

yeah, i remember, i liked feeling this sense of accomplishment, while i was writing my MA thesis, even though i was complaining all the time like everyone else...