15 janvier 2005

plus j'avance et plus je recule!

i don't know why things are not going as well as i want them to. so ok i didn't forget the happy hour and had a fun time for my birthday. but i already have panic attacks when i think about the two classes i am taking-- and NO, i can't drop them, they are the two most important classes i'll ever have taken in 25 years of school, but also the hardest ones, by far! even phonology was a joke compared to the law class!

i have found a list of translators, a few accrediting associations and schools, but not many schools that would fit my study. i am wondering if i won't have to give up on the idea of going to those schools myself. that would allow me to use schools all over the country and not just schools that are not close to here. i could do that if i could develop a very good way to survey students, teachers, and administrators online!

other than that, i read articles, request new ones, read the new ones, request more articles... and feel like i'm wasting my time. i need to concentrate on writing the surveys, but i don't know why, i don't know how to do it!

as for the TQ article... i wonder if i'll ever finish it...

yeah, all is not going well so far.

things to do:
- write to karen in IU or rosie in kentucky to ask her about online surveys
- buy lia's book