28 mars 2005

stuff about questionnaires from Weisberg

about my likert scales:
1. 5 points, safer and less difficult to remember, + fewer distinctions (very strongly disagree?) + fewer opportunities for confusions when translated
2. includes a middle alternative (not sure) because i don't want to force an answer one way or another. "not sure" or "don't care"?
3. every point is labeled, not just the end point, because of the middle alternative. must work carefully with the translators on that.

to verify the reliability of the questionnaires, i should give the same questionnaire to the same students in 2-3 weeks, to verify if they respond the same way or not.

validity: face validity (reasonable wording: worked on that!); convergent and divergent validity (same concept=same answer: must be verified); criterion validity (?); content validity (measures the full breadth of the concept: yeah, see constructs); and construct validity (relates to previous research and theory: yes).

order of the questions: positive-neutral stuff first and last. demographic questions at the end??? also: questions about the same topics are not asked together so that the students don't think they are tested for consistency and one question about the topic doesn't influence the next question about the same topic. put the most important questions first (if i could change teachers today i would)!!

pilot or pretest: 25-27 pretests. i'm good. + interviews. think-aloud process??