good news
george sent me the article back! wow, tons of work to do but i'll do it!! and will try to send the whole thing to TQ BY THE END OF THIS WEEK!!!
i would love to buy a book called writing for graduate students or something like that, it'd help me a lot because i'm having such a hard time writing!!! so if anyone wants to send it to me, here's my wishlist address. you can send it anonymously or not, if you've been a faithful reader of this blog but never said hi and would like to encourage me :) there are a few books on that list, so if you feel rich, go ahead, don't hesiste, huhuh... i can't buy anything anymore since long beach and san antonio emptied my bank account and i won't have a job this summer!!
i also want to be a member of that. does anyone know how i could access it without paying hundreds of dollars??
3 commentaires:
AWGS is really a book for lower level students than you; trust me I taught with that book before. English in Today's Research World is more appropriate. It's meant for dissertation writers and junior scholars. I'll try to find the pre-publication electronic version Chris Feak sent me a couple years ago.
good, thanks, i'll add that one to my list so you can offer it to me :)
it's good to see this information in your post, i was looking the same but there was not any proper resource, thanx now i have the link which i was looking for my research.
Dissertation Writers
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