01 mars 2006

the truth about cats and dogs

ok so all the results of the analyzes for research question 3 had to be thrown in the trash! yep, t-tests and frequencies and ANOVAs and univariates... all in the trash! why? because we were sooo happy to finally be able to use the data set with SAS that we used the wrong one, the one that hadn't been double-checked against the set entered by veronica. haha! anyway, i tried to redo everything by myself today and wasn't quite as successful as I had hoped i'd be... but i still managed to get some results and i'll go back and work on it tomorrow.

other than that, i can see that my chapter 4 is really going to be easy to write. i already have more than 100 pages of graphs and tables and figures and now i need to write a few things in-between... i think i should manage with 150 pages only for chapter 4. it's very repetitive and super boring... but not hard, at least, ONCE I HAVE THE RESULTS!!

other than that i'm a bit discouraged today because of several things... but it'll get better soon i'm sure :)