20 avril 2006


met with the "format" guy this morning. i am not sure whose hay fever was worse, huhuh... he said i was good with most of the stuff except that i had put 3 spaces after my titles but they were 1.5 spaces (which is what i use for my text) and they had to be single-line spaces. also, i thought the dissertation would be printed on both sides of the pages and had mirrored everything (margins, page numbers, etc.) but it's not. he showed me examples of vitas and appendices and now i know how to do everything right. the great thing is he said i didn't have to see him again before binding the whole thing! just at the end, to bring him the two copies he wants and so he can give me one last signature. one less thing to worry about.

other than that, i'm done writing 2 sections of chapter 8 and working on the new and improved format of chapters 1-4. haven't gotten chapters 5 and 6 back from margie yet. i have one month left before i need to turn in the whole thing. seems like a long time and not such a long time... i wish i were done tomorrow, and at the same time, i wish i had more time to polish the darn thing.

i have a hard time writing because of my terrible allergies (itching eyes and continuous sneezing among others (i'm not kidding, i had lunch at basil thai today and sneezed at least 30 times in a row there and the whole restaurant was laughing!)) and because it's getting hot here and my old computer is overheating really really quickly. need to get a new one :(

1 commentaires:

At 4/21/2006 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

if you're having trouble with your old computer maybe you'd be better off working in a mac lab on campus. if you look on the itap page it should be easy to find a free terminal. you'll end up going to one for printing those hundred of pages anyway.


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