06 mai 2006


i am trying to write a first article out of my dissertation so i cut and paste... and cut and cut and cut... and it makes me realize that my writing is soooo bad i can't even believe i wrote this poorly. ok, it was a first draft, but i'm going to have to work A LOT on the second draft of this dissertation! damned!

i am not sure i'll be able to put all the information i got into a 25-page article, even by not addressing 2 of my research questions... just the intro (participants, lit review, methods, etc.) is already taking half of that.

i also wonder if i should really write this article right now. i want to make sure it'll count towards tenure... maybe i'll just write drafts of 2 or 3 different articles this summer and send them out in september or october...

i remember the dinner i had the night before my campus visit, in the hotel. makes me crave good food. it's a great incentive to continue working hard.

6 commentaires:

At 5/06/2006 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

hmmm ils ne t'avaient apparemment pas mise au même hotel que moi (le D-L-A) parce que ce que j'ai eu à la veille de mon campus visit dans l'hotel était juste beurk - j'ai reçu mon remboursement des frais cette semaine d'ailleurs (ouf... j'avais peur qu'en refusant je me retrouve avec une créance significative ! mais non - très correct).

Pour ce qui est des articles il me semble que de toute façon ils ne vont pas être évalués / révisés / ressoumis / acceptés avant 12, 24 ou 36 mois non ? nous la normale c'est quasiment 3 ans entre la 1ère soummission et l'acceptation... du coup pour qu'ils comptent pour la tenure il faut commencer au contraire dans mon cas à les écrire tôt, je sais pas comment c'est dans ton domaine (apparemment certaines universités comptent pour la tenure ce qui est dans le pipeline - i.e. les Revise & resubmit - et d'autres non... il faut que j'enquête sur les pratiques de ma nouvelle université !)

J'espère que sinon tout avance bien de ton côté. a+

At 5/06/2006 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Counting the number of publications is the normal practice in tenure review. But that will happen only in the sixth year. On an annual basis, the department head and the dean usually expect to see that you make steady progress in your research, teaching, and service. But as most publications in ESL take about at least two years, it is a good idea to start early.

Cut and paste will work when you have a clear view of the research question, theoretical framework, and the main argument you want to make. Or the final piece will be quite fragmental. I used to cut and paste, and then later found out that I really needed to rewrite about half of the paper. So now, while I continue to cut and paste, I tend to deliberate on the three things carefully for some time before I start cut and paste.

At 5/06/2006 11:41 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

Musarde: our timeline is a bit faster, 3 to 6 months in general, with some exceptions of course, but 3 years is unheard of! i stayed at the same hotel as you... but maybe i found the food great because i was coming from the us, hehe. i took the most expensive dinner thing i could find because the cost was included in the cost of the room (which i didn't pay) and i was craving good food. the papers were sent on wednesday... 2-3 weeks to wait now...

Xiaoye: my first tenure review is in THREE years! if i'm an exceptional scholar and all, i can get tenured at that time. if not, i have a second chance at year five. three years sounds like a plan to me :) and yeah, i see the problem with cutting and pasting, i'm in the "learning" stage right now, thanks for your suggestions.

At 5/07/2006 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

It's a good idea to have three years rather than six years for tenure review. I hope the requirements are not strigent. Have they told you the specific requirements for publication, teaching, and service?

At 5/07/2006 10:48 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

yeah, it's a unionized university so they have specific requirements for tenure. it's hard but doable, i'm sure... the university wants to become a big R1 university so it won't be easy. we'll see :)

At 5/07/2006 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

... As I had to pay for everything (and send the bill after) I took the LEAST expensive item on the menu ;o)

What a pity we did not have our campus visits on the same day! Would have been such a nice "souvenir"...


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