23 septembre 2004


deadlines: lines drawn around prisons. if the prisonners go beyond those lines, they're dead.

this phonology class is taking up all my time and energy. I spend about 2 hours every single day working on it and i'm just not getting it, dammit! yesterday we got our homework back and the teacher said "if you got an A you're fine, if you got a B you didn't get it, and if you got a C it's not too late to drop the class." basically. i had done my homework with karen and we had excatly the same answers, but she got an A and i got a B! so I complained and said that it looked like i hadn't got it simply because my homework didn't look as neat and nice as karen's... and got an A. it's a true story! and i didn't get half of what she explained in class, and now we have no class for 3 weeks and then the midterm! and curiously, this morning i had my first indiana panick attack... tried to have 2 hours of conferences with my students but finally gave up. couldn't breathe. couldn't stand up anymore. even had a hard time speaking.

i don't know what it is with my time, but i never feel like i have any. i only go to two classes, work on a third at home, teach 1 hour a day, and have to work on the prospectus, so what's the big deal? where does time go? i always feel like i'm running, i'm always late everywhere, i forget to do half of the stuff i have to do, and in the end, i never feel like i've actually done something with my day.

so, summer 2006 is the goal. let's try: defending the prospectus in the fall of 2004 (in 2 months, basically); starting the first chapters and working on finding schools, writing the questionnaires/interviews, and translating the whole damn thing during the spring/summer 2005; doing the actual study in the fall of 2005; analysing and finishing it all up in the spring of 2006. well after all, God created the earth in 6 days, so why should i need more time than that??

so yeah i'm pretty good with deadlines in general. i set easy ones so that i'm pretty sure to achieve the goals i've set, because otherwise i'm too easily discouraged by my failures. i don't like to procrastinate and i don't like to be told that i can't do something. now i can't think about anything beyond the prospectus defence. one thing at a time. i have 2 weeks between every new draft: i write stuff one week, send it to margie, she reads/comments/sends it back, i look at her changes/suggestions/comments, and the following week i meet with her and discuss the stuff, work some more on it, and then send it to her the following week. if i can keep up that schedule, i can manage with the november defense!

next time i MUST talk to her about B.'s suggestions + the statistical consulting thing. thanks scott :) so next draft needs to be sent on tuesday. huh, yeah!

1 commentaires:

At 9/23/2004 4:46 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Use PeopleNot everyone can contribute the same things to your work. Margie may be good at some things and totally know nothing about analyzing quanitative data. That's OK, concentrate on how she can help you and how others can help in different ways. And even if people are not on the committee you should still get their advice and encouragement when it seems useful and germane. Never limit yourself or stop yourself from walking into someone's office. Of course, you have to be aggressive sometimes.


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