03 octobre 2004

conference on second language writing

interesting stuff. seeing old friends was good! i found some good info for my research too. in a sense, going to this conference gave me some energy and desire to do well with my own stuff, and at the same time, i sometimes felt like i was an impostor, someone trying to pretend like i was like all those people, someone who thinks that i am important but really aren't, as if i really didn't belong there. meeting "important" people was fun and inspiring... but i don't see myself fighting like they did to achieve what they did.

other than that i ate way too much and am feeling a little sick now... and behind in my work for my own students... and i need to have a revised draft of my prospectus for tuesday, so that won't be easy, since the questions are getting harder.

mmm.... good conference. i wish i had presented something!