23 octobre 2004


ok so i'm an idiot... it's not purdue's server mess that created the problems on my other blog, it's the fact that i had used up the whole entire space given by purdue, 500MB... wow!!! not really surprising when i know that i have 10 blogs... so i'm going to have to move soon... darn!

sent a new draft to margie today. it was her b'day yesterday--i wish i could have told her better how much i appreciate her help and enthusiasm and encouragements and everything... she's so wonderful!

wrote to A. today to ask her if we could meet because i can't get this tesol quarterly article revised by myself, there are stuff that i don't know how to address or change... it's frustrating! i don't know if G. made the changes he said he would make, i should write to him too. agh, so frustrating!

that's it, i want to be done, i think my drafts have been reworked enough and i'm good to go with the defense, now. i can't answer more questions, i don't have the anwers yet, and i won't have them until i start looking for participating schools and teachers and students, so i should just go ahead and DEFEND the darn PROSPECTUS!

and be ABD :)
... huhu... as my friend heidi said, you go to school for all these years and they can't even teach you the alphabet correctly?!

2 commentaires:

At 10/24/2004 1:42 PM, Blogger Lady Eve a dit:

hee hee. once you are ABD, it is your privilege to play loose with the alphabet, and once you finish your dissertation, after all those sweat and tears, I figure you own the damn alphabet. :)

At 10/25/2004 6:19 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

10 blogs! No wonder you don't have time for research.


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