18 novembre 2004

that's IT!

i've made the last few corrections on my prospectus and am ready to send it to the whole committee!!! i am NOT touching this thing again!!!

margie has this nice thesis group meeting every other week with the students whose chair she is, and last time, she said we should all go to each other's defenses... well i'm the first, so that won't help, and then there's someone else who's defending while i'll already be back to good ol' europe... and then we'll see who's next and when. but her other idea was that everyone should read everyone's prospectus and come to the meeting with questions and comments to "prepare" us for the defense. i like that idea! so i'm going to send my prospectus to the five other gals who are in our thesis group and the monday after thanksgiving they'll all have stuff to ask/tell me, which is great because i'll be defending a few days later.

i also expressed my frustration regarding this person (didn't tell who it was) who's graduating in 3 years and writing a dissertation in 5 months... and one other person in our group had actually had the same conversation with that exact same person and felt the same way... but everyone tried to convince me that the PROCESS was more important than the speed and that it was more important for me to LOVE my research topic and spend some time on it than to not care about my research and only do it because it's done quickly. yeah... not sure i'm convinced yet but i see their point.

ah yeah, and yesterday i went to have my first real statistical tutoring. more than an hour of learning how to use the program...fun!! haha!! but at least i got almost all the information i need to start rewriting my tesol quarterly article. yay!!!

today, very suddenly, things at home seem to be going well, finally, after two weeks of pure 24/7 hell...

2 commentaires:

At 11/19/2004 12:09 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

One thing you should bear in mind is that a prospectus defense is NOT a public event. Some people wanted to attend mine and Bud said that it was ABSOLUTELY forbidden for anyone other than the committee and the candidate to attend. Dissertation defenses, on the other hand, ARE public events. Or maybe you were talking about the dissertation defense, I wasn't clear on that.

At 11/20/2004 1:01 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

hmmmm...... hmmm.... some things are little unclear in this department... i'll verify that with the right people...

as usual, thanks :)


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