01 février 2005


sometimes, like this afternoon, when i'm just reading and reading and looking for more stuff to read, i panic. i feel paralyzed, incapable to think, as if i was drowning in cold water like a boulder. too much. too many things to think of, to remember, to do, to read, to start, to finish, to write, to survive.

funny that it's on those days that i usually do the most...

i need to talk to margie, though. i don't know where i'm going and what i'm supposed to do right now. i need short-term goals and deadlines!

2 commentaires:

At 2/02/2005 10:54 AM, Blogger Frédéric Reinold a dit:

Good picture of my reality. It's difficult to think that we need to know everything, to point this little thing that nobody's seen before. Argh! I need holidays...

(beurk, my english is like thick syrup, it doesn't want to pour...)

At 2/02/2005 9:42 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

huhu, didn't you just have holidays? ;)

i need a couple of weeks off too... ...


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