06 février 2005


first teacher questionnaire sent to my pilot participants... i'll wait until i get them back to re-write them and send them again but to a different group of pilot participants... i am also done with the administrators questionnaires. it's tough, i really have to decide what i WANT to know now and also what i'll not use for this study but could possibly use for further studies and articles and conference presentations and stuff... yuck. at the same time i can't write a 200 question questionnaire so i really have to balance things intelligently.

must work on my student questionnaires, those are the most serious and difficult ones. margie said i should pilot them on our 106i students. i'll ask T. for the permission... and also maybe A. to see if i can use her OEPP students, as second group, that 'd be nice.

also need to write to mike brzezinski about professional translators.

also need to call (contact) all the schools below to ask about demographics of students + names of directors so that margie can contact them first :)

margie also found some interesting stuff about the IRB and i hope all will go well. once i have all my questionnaires written and i'm done with the pilot stuff, i can apply for this irb thing and normally it shouldn't be too difficult to get approved.