05 août 2005

that noise...

i just hate that noise of a bumper hitting mine! seriously! when is this going to end??? i was driving on the small street outside my place and arrived at the first intersection. red light. one car behind me, one car going the other way. i noticed that the other car's blinker was blinking to turn left. the light went green and i went... and the other car went too, except that she drove right in front of me to turn left instead of waiting. i honked... but it was too late. good thing i was going slowly. haha, and to think that my bumper was replaced just last december! it was a south-east asian girl. the last one too. am i going to be hit by all the south-east asian students at purdue??? she was all sorry and all, took her wallet and asked me how much she owed me. i bet she didn't have a driver's licence. the white paint of her car came off of mine pretty easily and you can barely see the scratches. there's an inward bump, but it's hardly noticeable. and anyway, there was a monster bump there until last december that i had done myself. so i said don't worry about it. oh well. no accident in so many years of driving and suddenly two, 9 months apart. if i were a statistician i'd be scared! never my fault though!

didn't do much today. called a few schools and irbs, printed my chapter 2 and started proofreading it, it sucks! my goal's to send the new and improved version of it to margie on monday! this weekend i also MUST IMPERATIVELY write the article for the caucus newsletter and that's a real nightmare because i have NO CLUE what to write! i must also keep working on that article's proposal, which is coming along well and i'll send it to Enric soon so he can edit it and add some of his stuff. AND i must work on the ex-TQ article that used to be 8000 words, is now 6200 words, and must be 5000 words by monday! my goal! we'll see! i think i'll send it with 5500. yeah. whatever. and i'll tell the editor to tell me what to cut because i don't know what he thinks is the most important stuff for his journal. yeah, 6000, even... hehe... we'll see.

had an amazingly good pizza tonight at this new place on the levee. really poor service, yucky limonade, sticky plastique tables, loud abnoxious music... but the pizza was divine! might go back. for take-out. yummm!!!