03 mars 2006


chapter 3 is 99.99% done! and in chapter 4, i got research questions 1, 2, and 3 done. got all the info i needed, printed the whole thing, and wrote tables and figures until the cows came home yesterday and the day before!! 106 pages so far... now i need to write a bit more in-between some of the graphs and tables, but overall, i only need to start working on questions 4 and 5 now, which are the easiest ones! yep, i'm good ;)

tesol's in a week and i am definitely NOT ready for it yet! i think i'm going to forget the dissertation this weekend and concentrate on my five presentations plus the business meeting that i had forgotten... fun fun!

ps. got the japanese and korean questionnaires translated. those are the largest language groups, that's a good start! turkish is done too, thanks to my dear officemate john. i'll give the arabic ones to one of my students who's from jordan, and then there's only thai and chinese to translate, and those are quite small. excellent!

2 commentaires:

At 3/03/2006 11:56 AM, Blogger kiara a dit:

five presentations... and do you still pretend not to be an overachiever ?.. ;)

At 3/03/2006 2:05 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

haha, it's because i'm the chair of the caucus, so i have 2 presentations that are mine (that had to be approved and all, like normal presentations) and then the rest is stuff that i HAD to do and that was approved automatically (caucus colloquium, business meeting, leadership presentation, etc.).

... but i am an overachiever sometimes, i agree ;)


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