16 mai 2006


i've revised chapters 1-8, margie's finally approved chapters 5 (after a crash-course in statistics) and 6 (after i rewrote it all), i've changed the 20000000 tables in my appendix... ok, only 2000... and my sister's been reading and editing chapters 1-4. hopefully she'll survive the next 4.

so basically all i do now is read and re-read and re-re-read to find mistakes, change a few words here and there, add or delete a sentence, verify the format... i am also working on my abstract, acknowledgements, and table of contents, but really, i could be done today if i wanted to. kinda. except that i don't want to have to do too many revisions after the defense so i do as much as i can now.

and i'm also working on the article. mostly done with the intro section, now i need to start the results section. not sure how to do that. while i was working on my last chapter today, i also got several ideas for other future articles.

6 commentaires:

At 5/16/2006 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

revisit, reframe, revisit, reframe, revisit, and reframe--dialectic circles of intellectual growth

At 5/17/2006 9:48 AM, Blogger kiara a dit:

way to go !!!! :)

At 5/17/2006 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

waou... (speechless) je vois ce qui m'attendra dans 6 mois... (j'ai pas si hate que ça...).

At 5/17/2006 9:00 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

xiaoye: yep... except that right now, i feel my brain shrinking, huhuh...

kiara: gracias :)

musarde: don't wait for the last minute young lady ;)

At 5/18/2006 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Hopefully avec toutes les versions qu'ils me font faire et refaire maintenant le travail de réécriture de la dernière version sera plus tranquille... (mais en même temps je suis réaliste et je ris grassement et cyniquement à cette seule pensée...).

Vivement qu on ait des soucis plus terres à terres tels que : quel appart choisir ? quel tapis match bien avec les poils du chat (DES chats dans ton cas... le casse tête de la mort !!!) ? quel fournisseur pour ma connexion internet ? quel établissement pour mon cours de Yoga ? :o)

At 5/19/2006 1:07 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

ahhh j'en peux plus d'attendre...


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