22 novembre 2004


i don't know why, but i really enjoy learning about the stats program and doing it and also learning about survey writing. it's tough, it's a lot of stats, also, because they test different wordings and populations and question orders and formats, etc. and then they tell you what happened... but never tell you how to do it, hah! anyway, i don't know why i say that i hate all this stuff... i really enjoy it when i'm starting to understand it. today, while i was meeting for the 3rd time with the statistical consultant girl, i was able to explain to her stuff that i was really impressed i knew and had understood, and whatever we were doing she never had to explain it to me twice. that was fun! and i'm getting some good stuff for the tesol quarterly article! i'm also reading two books margie gave me about attitude surveys, and i always go to a nice place to eat while reading those books to motivate myself, so i don't know if it's the effect of the great food or of the fact that i learn tons of cool stuff, but i have a good time when i do that!!


happy thanksgiving everyone :)