08 février 2005


so i talked with margie about the iawe website that we're trying to build and she mentionned that award that i got a couple of weeks ago... the one that i didn't know what it was about... and she said she was surprised i wasn't more enthusiastic about it! i said i had no clue what it was, where it came from, what it meant, who gave it to me, and why! PLUS the email i got telling me about it was also sent to her and i didn't understand why, and then she sent me an email congratulating me, and i thought she thought i had forwarded her the message to show off or something... anyway. and i told her about my miserable semester last semester and she said ALL teachers had bad semesters! i said my students certainly hadn't come to the department to say what a wonderful teacher i was! so she told me that i was a school award, not even a department award, that of the whole english department, only 4 people could have it and that they (english dept?) had selected like 10 possible recipients among the about 200 people in the english dept. and then asked the individual teachers to choose only 4 among those 10 possible people, and margie chose me. huh, nice :) i said "well that makes it a lot better, thank you :)"

research: already got one response back with some useful feedback. am going to call the schools right now and to find more infor about other schools because i want to use byu's elc and urbana-champaign too.

the skin around my nails is almost entirely gone, i don't know what's wrong with me, why i'm so nervous all the time... it's so painful that i can't even get a manicure... yeah, who cares?!