09 février 2005


got a survey back from B.
great feeback!
must thank scott for telling me to add B. to my committee!
wish the other folks sent me the stuff back too...

feel like taking a break from the other blog... i feel a little like i did when i was trying to explain why bush was going to win the elections and no one would believe me! frustrated and mad. i'm too emotional.

3 commentaires:

At 2/09/2005 11:07 AM, Blogger kiara a dit:

It's strange how things that actually happen in a virtual world can affect our moods. I guess it's again this balance thing , this yin/yang thing...
You meet great and open-minded people that you become friends with, and you begin to love them as if they were flesh and blood, and to balance this positive side of the internet, you also find people that get on your nerves from time to time, that won't make the effort to understand your point of view, or what you've been living everyday for a long time, and they'll make you feel frustrated.
Sometimes I want to speak about religion, or about GMO, and I just shut up, because I know my points of view aren't trendy, and are believed to be wrong by the majority. And I know that there's always someone that'll eventually tell me "what you say is wrong, and I know this better than you !".
Fair enough, I'm not saying I've got the truth. I'm just saying "this is how I feel."
And nobody can say that the way I feel is right or wrong. It's just mine.

At 2/09/2005 11:30 AM, Blogger lucie a dit:

thanks kiara! i agree with you, and then at the same time i wonder why we should refrain from talking about certain things or saying what our point of view is. after all, it's OUR blog, who is to tell what we should or shouldn't write on it?

At 2/09/2005 2:59 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Yeah, Bud is good. A little on the serious side at times, but he believes in hard work. He also believes students should graduate and find jobs, not spend five years writing a dissertation.


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