11 août 2005

i knew it

yesterday i received a letter from iu giving me permission to do the research. i wrote to the director of the school, and she said the semester was over. that's it for the pilot then. i'm dead.

starting to see the first job ads here and there, must start compiling stuff: CV is done, but i don't have a letter of intent or whatever that is, and i need to work on my teaching philosophy and ... don't know what else i'll need. i've asked T. and Dr. H. to write letters of recommendation. still need to ask margie and B. but B. wants to see my dissertation chapters first. i also called byu and asked them to send me transcripts of my undergrad and grad studies there. $2 per transcript. i need about 10 or something... thank goodness purdue is free! i guess that's what i'm going to be working on now...

gave my second chapter to margie. and i need to meet with her to tell her what i've been up to this summer. also got a few letters of approvals from other schools, in particular that of columbia, which has been very very difficult to get. fortunately, the school director, who needed to do a LOT of work for me to get this approval (training, signatures, blah blah) was very nice and did it all without complaining. i feel terrible that i had to bother him so much all summer!

got the japanese consent form and questionnaire translated, verified, and copied! yeah! that's the only one. got all the consent forms in all languages copied, but the questionnaires in other languages are not working as quickly as they should and i'm really starting to panic! i REALLY NEED A PORTUGUESE AND A KOREAN SPEAKER ASAP!

3 commentaires:

At 8/11/2005 2:03 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

huhuh jojo toi ici??? quelle bonne surprise :)

je parlais pas de toi, hein ;) nan serieux, je sais que toi et momo vous allez faire du bon boulot et pas dans 25 ans. mais je parle de l'arabe, du chinois, du francais (snif snif), et surtout du koreen et de portuguais qui sont les pires... c'est pas que les gens sont lents, c'est que JE SUIS STRESSEE!!! enfin, rien de neuf sous le soleil a part ca :)

At 8/12/2005 2:08 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

Euh, tu veux de l'aide pour le francais ???

At 8/12/2005 5:23 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

kiara: ben c'est trop tard, c'est chez une traductrice "professionelle" qui prend juste beaucoup plus de temps que prevu...


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