27 novembre 2004


the wife of the mother of the husband of my sister, that is, my sister's third mother in law, works for USF in english education and is very "famous" there and in the country at what she does. now, most people don't have the highest admiration for people in education... but anyway, she said that the ESL program there is tightly linked with the education program and that they have a PhD program in ESL that's growing, and also that the university is gaining momentum and is becoming better as a nationally recognized research university. ... she also said that they're hiring a lot now and that i'm the type of person they'd love to hire, for fall 2006. i don't know how much all this means at all, but it's still nice to start having connections and thinking about stuff like that. don't know either if tempa, florida, of all places, would be my favorite place in the world to be... and i kept telling her Oh, SFU (simon fraser university in vancouver, canada), yeah, i'd love that... huhu...

anyway, great turkey!

2 commentaires:

At 11/28/2004 10:09 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Hey, I sent in an application there. Ummm... I don't know what I would think of the prospect of the two of us working in the same department. Wei Zhu is there in World Language Education, she's quite good. At the moment they are interested in a person with a TESOL and linguistics background. I figure, if I can fix your phonetics homework I must have a good linguistics background.

At 11/28/2004 11:58 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

well at least we wouldn't have to share an office ;)

and remember, after you "fixed" my phonetic homework i still got a C on it :)


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