12 février 2005


sent the second draft of my teacher questionnaires to the second group of participants. plus a reminder to the first group.
so far not so good... made some good modifications based on the first few questionnaires i got back, though, but it's not good enough yet.

if i get even only ONE more admin. questionnaire i'll go ahead and start reviewing it for the final draft so then i only have to start working on the student questionnaires. i need to read fox' dissertation for that and it's a bit overwhelming... if i could have all the questionnaires DONE and sent to the irb before spring break that'd be really nice!

i've also showed to margie how i could put the teacher and admin. questionnaires ONLINE! yeah, i think it'll make my life so much easier!! the student questionnaires, though, won't work online, since they're in like 10 languages... one good thing is that not all the ieps i've found start their semester at the same time in august/september and end their semester at the same time in december.

i also need to write to those guys, and that's a bit scary...