10 février 2005


f'ing system! i sent out my surveys by email and when people sent them back it was caught by the anti-spam system of the university, and since they are pretty much automatically deleted, i didn't realize that people HAD sent the surveys back! i'm going to have to send it all again. ...

A. is not cooperating well... i asked her if i could use her teachers and her students and if she could have a look at my surveys because she IS after all the expert in that kind of stuff in the department... but it doesn't look like it's going to go well!

got my evaluations back from last semester. i can honestly say that NEVER in my life have i had such horrible evaluations. not that i expected anything good, but that was plain BAD! even waaaaayyyyy worse than my second semester here when i had all these problems with difficult students, drugs, plagiarism, the irak war, etc. so on the evaluations you get graded on a likert scale from 1 to 5, and i usually get between 4 and 5 for each item... but last semester, out of 28 items, i only got THREE at 3.0 or above (the maximum being 3.9 (my teacher explains policies for attendance and late assignments)! 23 items got between 2.0 and 2.9 and two items were below 2.0! and i only got two comments, one saying "she was by far the worst english teacher i've ever had!" and the other one complaining about favoritism. i guess i didn't like those students much and they didn't like me much either!! funny to think that last year i got a teaching award because my evaluations for fall and spring were incredibly good (lowest i got was 4.7 on only 2 items both semesters)!... huhuh...

5 commentaires:

At 2/10/2005 3:59 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

Try bribing April. You need to do something to get her on your side. Since you have no money, you could donate your time. Ask her if there is some project for the OEPP you might be able to help her with. And, since she has no money to pay you, offer that she could pay by offering her expertise to your research methods.

BTW. If email sucks, why not look for alternative delivery systems for the surveys. It might be paper, it might be disks or CDs, it might be web based surverys. You need to think about reliability, speed, user-friendliness, ease in coding and putting in a format you need, cost, and other issues of practicality.

At 2/10/2005 4:01 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

maybe these evaluatioins will finally convince you to, never again, spend so much time on teaching and devote the time to your research.

What would it take to get you to give up blogging and the Internet and working on your dissertation instead?

At 2/10/2005 4:03 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

One more thought.

When you apply for jobs you need to include teaching materials. (Start looking at ads now.) Some places specifically ask for student evaluations; what will you send them (or not send them)? And don't try to say you'll never find a job anyway.

At 2/10/2005 7:39 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

scott, thanks for the ideas with A. but i don't think i'll need to go that far. after all, it's not like i want to work on yet ANOTHER thing right now, right? too bad for her if she doesn't help.

as for the internet, i don't think that's going to be an option, sorry :)

and for the evaluation, yeah, i've usually received really good ones so i'm not worried about that! plus i have all my teaching materials online, class websites, portfolios, all that stuff, so it's not one bad semester that's going to prevent me from finding the job of my dreams!

At 2/25/2005 5:58 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

hi sean, yeah, this semester is going much better than the last one :)


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