20 février 2005


A. told me that i'd be lucky if 50% of my participants returned their questionnaire. so... tomorrow i'll finish the admin and the teacher questionnaires and submit them to margie for a final look at things and then i'll submit them to the IRB. am not sure yet now i'll do it with the students...

everyone's on vacation in france and switzerland... haha... no vacation for me until the middle of march and even then...

i'm so broke i don't know how i'll manage at the 2 conferences i'm going to.


7 commentaires:

At 2/20/2005 7:02 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

No vacations in England as well... let's say that english speaking girls aren't lazy !!! ;)

At 2/20/2005 7:19 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

i know YOU're happy ;) i, on the other hand, could use a vacation.... a very long one... say 3 years? there are so many things i want to do!!!!!

At 2/20/2005 7:51 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

Well, to be fair, give me 3 years of vacations (with some pocket money) and I'd know what to do !!! Iceland IS waiting for me... ;)

At 2/20/2005 8:54 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

hey in the mean time, are you going to edinburgh?? there's someone i wanna meet there!

so when do you think you could go to iceland? do they have good research universities there, or would you have to actually create your own? ;)

At 2/20/2005 9:26 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

Yep, in the meantime i am waiting for you in Scotland :)
Still haven't found any plant related lab in Iceland, but they have 2 universities, and they obviously need a plant biology lecturer since they don't seem to have any !! :D (I wish !)

At 2/20/2005 9:29 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

in the meantime i think you should go to bed ;) and me too. i don't know how you make it with so little sleep...

At 2/21/2005 6:30 AM, Blogger Frédéric Reinold a dit:

Vacations in France but no vacations for me. School is empty, free of noise. A sound of paradise. But no machine, all of them are in the wrong building : tea, coffee, food... Nothing!

Argh! Give me 3 years of vacations too...


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