21 février 2005

help needed

there are plenty of people out there who know how to get to work and get things done! could someone PLEASE tell me how to do it? because i'm so lazy i think i'll spend the rest of my life trying to get this damn phd... i just can't make myself work!!!!!! i used to find other stuff to do, like the dishes, or cleaning the house, or grading papers... but now i tell myself NO, you CAN'T do other things... so now not only do i still not work, but i also live in a dirty house and never grade my students' papers... that's not good...

2 commentaires:

At 2/21/2005 4:14 PM, Blogger kiara a dit:

Set up goals. Very small ones. And stick to them, whatever happens. Reward yourself for the achievement. Carry on. Day after day.
Warning !! (uhuh, j'adore ecrire ca en anglais, et je sais meme pas pourquoi...), bref, attention !! The goals NEED to be do-able, because you MUST achieve your goals everyday so that you can reward yourself so that you FEEL GOOD about working. So don't try overachievement.(That'll be the next step, once you feel good about working...)(and then work will become a drug)(and then you'll become my twin)(and then we'll rule the world)(the evil french connection)(gniark gniark gniark)(hooo i need some sleep)(obviously)

At 2/21/2005 4:30 PM, Blogger Scott a dit:

The most productive people I know are ones who figure out the most important thing to do and do it first. Less important things fall into place much easier that way.

One needs to take breaks and have a life, but these should be rewards for doing good work, not getting the reward and doing the work later.


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