30 août 2005

still alive and fighting

i can't believe i'm still fighting with a couple of irb offices! and still waiting for some letters from different directors...

met margie yesterday, talked about life, the job search, my cv, my letter of application, my dissertation. i need to talk to B. about a few things, i have a feeling that margie is too nice sometimes, and she knows me too well. that won't be the case of a job interview committee.

i think i'll give friday off to my students and go to kalamazoo to give the questionnaires to that one school director. not sure exactly what the point is, but she wants it this way. then i'll go to spend a few days at my sister's.

i sent 18 packages with questionnaires and stuff on the 22nd, and still 3 of them have not reached their destination! aagghhh!!

3 commentaires:

At 8/31/2005 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

Hope they were not addressed to the New-Orleans area.. :(

Just figured out those letters...ithought it was a dictionnary (very red of ignorance)

At 8/31/2005 10:38 PM, Blogger lucie a dit:

ancee: figured out which letters? no, they were to arkansas, maryland, and pennsylvania...

At 8/31/2005 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonyme a dit:

+lol+ +lol+ +lol+
Seems my explanations were no quite clear... Lately I've been trying to communicate with you via this Blog but was not able to. The reason being I did not understand the reason for the "Verification letters"...
So if you refer to my initial comment, I was inquiring if any of the application were in New-Orleans or the desaster area.

The second comment was directed as to the perception and understanding of those 4 colored letters, installed by you, to restrain the abuse of certain parties. My first 3 messages never got tru because I was not aware of the obligation of going tru that porthole...Hence the redness of my shame...;)


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