slowly recovering from the shock... i wrote to my thesis advisor at byu, told him what happened... he also happens to be the chair of the linguistics dept... my sister and margie say he must not have known that the stats was all wrong because he wouldn't have signed his name on something he knew was flat-out wrong. still... he must know so i wrote him.
margie said i could redo the whole statistical analysis of my MA thesis data and use that as my pilot for my dissertation... and then rewrite the whole TESOL quarterly article with the new data. that's so much work, though, that i already have a headache just thinking about it.
i still need to make some major changes to my prospectus and that sucks. i also don't know HOW to do the statistical analysis, now, because i knew what a t-test and an ANOVA were, but i have to learn a new thing now, and also how to use the statistics program, a different one than the one i had...
so anyway... i'm still pretty discouraged by the whole story, and mad too... but not as freaked out as thursday/friday... thank you guys for your good ideas and kind words, i need it!!